Rehab / Prehab
COVID and other rehab, prepare for life challenges
Loretta’s experience includes rehabilitating those who have been injured in accidents, at work or have been weakened by acute illness. Past clients include professional dancers, road traffic accident victims, and, more recently an MD returning to daily life after eight weeks in hospital with COVID.
Each course of classes is specifically designed to take account of your personal limitations and strengths, beginning with a basic health assessment. Concrete stages and goals - physical / occupational and mental - are set and monitored to ensure progress and maintain motivation. These classes can also be used to prepare for a life event or surgery, meet the challenges coming as your best self.
Prices: from €100 per hour, over Zoom, or face to face. Use the PfE studio, or other venues at your convenience.
Post COVID-19 Recovery Class
Developed by Loretta Simon Helms, M.S.
This class was developed with Dr Jeffrey Manser to assist in his recovery process from a severe case of COVID-19. The focus of class is to enhance diaphragmatic breathing thereby increasing oxygen intake and improvement of cardiac condition. All of which helps a speedy return to regular daily activity and normal function. The developmental structure of the exercise sequence also encourages improvement in neuromuscular activity and cognition .
Classes face-to-face or remote depending on client needs (eg: Zoom). Class begins with a basic current health intake to assess needs and focus. Then class content and length are designed accordingly.
Class begins in a chair and utilizes bands and weights.
When appropriate, vitals (heart rate, oxygen intake and oxygen levels) are taken throughout the session.
Please contact Loretta at for further questions and/or to schedule an appointment.
Rehab your knee - ACL reconstruction
Coming soon.
her unique skillset (as) an invaluable part of their rehabilitation
able to accomplish significant improvement in range of motion and isometric muscle strengthening in an age group that is usually ignored
I would not hesitate to recommend Loretta to anyone who needed rehabilitation’
I wanted a master teacher with deep knowledge and a range of methods. I found that and more with Loretta
enorme bewondering voor haar geoefend oog en voor haar diepgaande kennis van het menselijke bewegingsapparaat