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Contact & Locations

Living longer, staying stronger - a forty year discovery of the body’s potential

Loretta Simon-Helms M.S.Ed.

+31 644 114 216 inc WhatsApp


Most group classes have a WhatsApp group, let us know if you would like to join the group for your class.


Zoom classes:

Once you have subscribed we will send you a link. 


Mat Class venues:


Monday morning and evening - currently Zoom only

we are looking for a suitable venue in the KNSM/Java/Borneo islands area


Thursday morning - Kluver, De Lairessestraat 157, 1075HK Amsterdam.

closest tram stop is tram 2 at Valeriusplein. Bus 347, 357, 397 at Emmastraat


Equipment Studio:

Pilates for EveryBody studio (by appointment only)

Borneokade 183, 1019XE Amsterdam.

closest tram stop is tram 7 at C. van Eesterenlaan.  Bus 43 or 65 at Borneolaan



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'my work with Loretta will inform my movement, and my approach to all physical disciplines, for the rest of my life’


‘a teacher who motivates her students’


‘I wanted a master teacher with deep knowledge and a range of methods.  I found that and more with Loretta’


‘My back hasn't gone out on me once since I started taking the class – and that is saying a lot’

‘enorme bewondering voor haar geoefend oog en voor haar diepgaande kennis van het menselijke bewegingsapparaat’

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